Josef Rybička

I'm a passionate software developer of server-side applications and user interfaces. I focus on designing and building APIs, distributed message-oriented systems and integration services. I mostly build on NodeJS platforms using TypeScript and I use React library when it comes to client-side development. I'm used to being part of the whole application development lifecycle — planning and designing API schema and data model, choosing the appropriate technology, actual development, building continuous integration and delivery pipelines, analyzing logs and monitoring of performance.

In general, I prefer simple solutions to strictly following certain design pattern. I think of every project individually and always try to choose the right technology no matter if I am an expert in it.

Currently, I work full-time but I can offer 4 — 5 hours weekly to consultations or simple maintenance tasks.


PDF version of CV is available for download (last updated 4th of May 2024).


If you need a consultation or need to talk about some project, feel free to contact me via e-mail address. Besides, there are some of my social network profiles you can follow.

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